Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Turnbull, Hohenstein Articles

OK, so after reading these articles, I'm starting to realize that a lot of people in America just really aren't that smart.  If you think that shows like CSI and Law and Order are really how the criminal justice system works, you've been watching to many TV shows like that, and not enough shows...for example, the news.  Or better yet, just living your life and observing things without relying on television shows to tell you how the world works.  All of this is just purely entertainment.  I get it that they try to make shows like this close to how they do it in real life..but people need to keep in mind, that each crime usually takes longer than 45 minutes to an hour to figure out what really happened.  Seriously guys, what is wrong with you?

Take the Turnbull article, for instance.  They started off in the article by showing a response from a viewer on wikipedia on how CSI functions.  The viewer was upset and didn't like the way that CSI viewed their episodes because it was too fast paced and things kept changing.  So then Turnbull started comparing CSI to the crime show Dragnet back in the 50's and 60's.  He even says that "generalizing about a TV series may hold inherent problems, since the object of study can be such an amorphous creature, changing direction, style and mood just when you think you got a grip on it" (21).  I think honestly, that is what makes shows like CSI work.  It reminded me how similar CSI and Lost are. We just watched the CSI episode for class with Justin Beiber in it.  You think that the episode is resolved and that it's over with, but at the end of the show, you see another bomb take place, and it completely throws the audience off guard which is what works for that show.  It's keeps the audience interested.  Also, with Lost, you never have one thing remain the same in the episodes.  Each episode moves fast paced, and something is always changing around, especially the story line.  But Lost proves that in doing so, it can become one of the most watched TV series out there on television. 

Now let's take a look at the Hohenstein article.  This article is what really kills me about people not believing what is just for television entertainment and what is real.  Hohenstein compares the show Law and Order and CSI.  Both shows are Crime series, except Law and Order focus their attention more in the court room, and CSI focuses more on forensic science.  Both shows, shows some realistic qualities, but not much.  And now people in America believe that the judicial system in America is terrible, and most people don't trust the system.  Hohenstein argues that shows like CSI "perceived to have created unrealistic perceptions that forensic science can replace the work of lawyers, judges, and juries" (Hohenstein 63).  OF COURSE IT'S UNREALISTIC PEOPLE!--- you can' figure out a murder in an hour, like they do in these shows!  It's made to entertain people!  People just need to learn that you watch drama TV series like that for entertainment purposes only, don't go exactly by what they're saying to determine how laws need to work in America, because if you do that, we would have one messed up judicial system.

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