This article wasn't the most exciting to read for me, maybe it just may be because it's the 2nd to last article I have to read/blog about in the semester and I just have Christmas break on my mind--who knows!
This article pretty much just talks about the main characteristic of personal media and then comparing it to mass media and what the influences are. Personal media includes things like Ipods, Ipads, blogs on the Internet, etc. I think that in maybe the long run, and in the future, personal and social media will have a drastically changing effect over what we consider to be mass media, but I think that for now, mass media will still consist of watching television shows on an actual TV in someones house, or watching DVDs in a DVD player. social and personal media are still fairly new (within the past decade) and haven't taken the huge leap yet at affecting they way we view mass media. In time though, only some aspects will change with mass media. In particular, blogs, and webisodes I believe will have a strong impact on mass media, because they are already starting to take a big jump in being viewed (i.e. YouTube). We talked about in class a couple weeks ago that YouTube was just celebrating their 5 year anniversary of being up and running, and a lot of blogs, amateur videos, etc have been added to it. Even in class last week, we watched Neil Patrick Harris' Dr. Horrible movie that was released in 2008---only 2 years ago. It had started out as a webisode and pretty much set the groundwork for future webisodes to come. With that being said, all of this is less than 5 years old, so I would say for now, we're ok with the changing ways of mass media, but within the next 10 years, we will be looking at a whole new way of looking at mass media, and connecting it with social and personal media.
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